Gold Grooming
We provide friendly fully pet care grooming in Dade and Broward County.
We are a flexible and reliable service and aim to give our customers and their pets a first class experience.
You can find below the more accurate estimate for our services.
The price for grooming services depends on several factors, such as breed, hair, behaviour, type, and size of the dog. The following price list is for an average dog of different breeds, but please expect a slight difference in the final price if our professional groomer determines that the grooming of your dog requires further time.
Services Included:
- Bathing
- Ear cleaning & plucking
- Nail clipping and filing
- Expression of the anal glands
- Fluff out drying
- Bandana or bow
Platinum Grooming
We provide friendly fully pet care grooming in Dade and Broward County.
We are a flexible and reliable service and aim to give our customers and their pets a first class experience.
You can find below the more accurate estimate for our services.
The price for grooming services depends on several factors, such as breed, hair, behaviour, type, and size of the dog. The following price list is for an average dog of different breeds, but please expect a slight difference in the final price if our professional groomer determines that the grooming of your dog requires further time.
Services Included:
- Bathing
- Ear cleaning & plucking
- Nail clipping and filing
- Expression of the anal glands
- Fluff out drying
- Trim eye area, sanitary area & pawpads
- Bandana or bow

Diamond Grooming
We provide friendly fully pet care grooming in Dade and Broward County.
We are a flexible and reliable service and aim to give our customers and their pets a first class experience.
You can find below the more accurate estimate for our services.
The price for grooming services depends on several factors, such as breed, hair, behaviour, type, and size of the dog. The following price list is for an average dog of different breeds, but please expect a slight difference in the final price if our professional groomer determines that the grooming of your dog requires further time.
Services Include:
- Stylist haircut
- Bathing
- Ear cleaning & plucking
- Nail clipping and filing
- Expression of the anal glands
- Fluff out drying
- Trim eye area, sanitary area & pawpads
- Bandana or bow